Hey there ladies and gentlemen, dear painters!
Today i am coming to you guyswith a re-shoot of my Land Raider!
As this was my first real display project, i am very proud of it. I reshooted it because the old pictures were really bad!
I hope you still like him :)
Here you see it with big pics on Putty and Paint: http://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/597
Here you can see and rate it on CMON: http://www.coolminiornot.com/319158
About Me
- Solmar
- Hannover, Germany
- Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is my painting blog where you can find my latest paintworks and work in progress logs. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Solmar
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Wow!! Love it!! :D
Wow!! Love it!! :D
Again! :D