Step by step: NMM Steel sword

Hey there ladies and gentlemen, dear painters!

Today i´ll bring you the step by step article, how i painted the sword of my Wight King. :)

Let´s get started right away:

First, i basecoated the blade with a mixture of codex grey and a tip of VMC Dark Sea Blue.

Next, i worked into the shadows on both sides of the blade. Here i started the shading with the basecoat and a bit more Dark Sea Blue.

Further shadows with more Dark Sea Blue and a tip of black.

And at final shading step, nearly pure black was used in the deepest shadows.

Now it´s time to highlight! Basecoat color plus a tip of VMC Pale Blue, this and the previous used Dark Sea Blue will help to get a steel-color-feeling on the blade.

Slowly building up highlights with some VMC Ivory into the previous mix.

And final highlights with pure Ivory and White.

Final step! Draw a thin line in the middle of the blade by using the side of the brush (was not easy on this sword, as the edge in the middle was not sharp). Also i glazed some dark brown into the mid-to-shadow tones to get more color into the steel. Added tiny light reflections also. These are not necessary but i wanted to give them a try this time.

Again, i hope you´ll find this useful and like it. :)

Cheers, Solmar

4 Responses to Step by step: NMM Steel sword

  1. Camelson says:

    NICE!! I really like it! I see something death is coming :D

  2. Unknown says:

    Something amazing which I can gift to my enemy. Although I appreciate the work done.

  3. Kirk says:

    This is really cool, but tbh I think it looks better without the line in the middle!

  4. Unknown says:

    I like the final result, Did you use glaze in all your layers? or you use basecoat?
    Thanks for your experience

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