Hey there ladies and gentlemen,
finally i am coming to you guys with a WIP of my Forge-World Nurgle Dreadnough. I try to redo the Miniature Mentor Tutorial made by Bohun in order to improve my painting skills.
I followed the steps of the videos (i really recommend this tutorial as it changed my technique a lot and showed me some mistakes i made for myself in the past) and have finished the Chassis.
What do you think..?
About Me
- Solmar
- Hannover, Germany
- Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is my painting blog where you can find my latest paintworks and work in progress logs. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Solmar
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Wow u made it so similar so far :) great job
The Dread looks great at all! The green parts I like really much! Maybe you can make some slime ;)
Can I get a link to this Tutorial made by Bohun
I am Afraid the tutorial disappeared from the Miniature Mentor Site. =/