Hey there ladies and gentlemen, dear painters!
Due to an illness i had not much time to post here. But today (beside that i´m fine again) i can tell you that all the rider´s clothes are done! Holy crap, that where so many dots.. i finally did some estimation and on all riders together it were around 250.000 dots. I was really near to a tendonitis, really crazy doing stippling clothe structure to a whole unit of Horse riders with lots of clothes. ;)
But now i am facing a new problem and this problem has the name: Bones! No, i dont mean
Emily Deschanel, i mean the horses bones. You know, they have got a LOT of them. ;) And i had no good paint receipe that looked good. Today i had an idea, what i liked, i will post some pics if the final result looks good. :)
And finally i will show you some upcoming projects:
First is Theoden, King of Rohan by GW:

I always wanted to paint this guy, one week ago i got the white metal Theoden off ebay. I love the sculpt but holy cow, this guy is small :) I have a really cool idea about painting the tree. Stay tuned.
And second my duel "ambush".
It is not built finished yet, i am still looking for a good victim. I think in the end it will become a space marine, but there are a lot decisions to mage in terms of pose, weaponry etc.
That´s it for now. Cheers! Solmar