
Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Wight King finished!

Hey there ladies and gentlemen, dear painters!

Today i´ll bring you my finished Wight King. I painted this miniature to get back to hobby after a 2 months break (these 2 months felt like 2 jears!). I am very pleased with the final result.

I hope you like him :)

Here you can vote: Wight King on CMON

Greetings, Solmar

4 Kommentare:

  1. Very nice paintjob! 8.x from me! ;)

  2. What colors did you use for the nmm silver/gold? (armor/crown) I realy like the way it looks.

  3. For the Golds i used a basecoat of GW Snakebite Leather, VMC Ivory in the highlights, GW Black in the shadows and a red glaze near the midtone/1st shadow.

    For Steel i used GW codex grey as basecoat, Highlights with GW Fortress Grey and GW Skull White. I used VMC Dark Sea Blue for shadows up to GW Chaos Black. In the end a glaze with ice blue in the area of midtones/1st highlight

  4. Fantastic, thank you for sharing this Solmar.
